Colors everywhere. Never too much.There is nothing up my sleeve.I'm pushing an elephant up the stairs.I'm tossing up punch lines that were never there.Over my shoulder a piano falls. Whispers, kisses, more whispers more kisses.Just Saying."Naw girl, you want that Knigga, you can have him!"Dicks, dawgs, donkeys to date, monkeys. Grits to Kiss Persistence.
Seeing another's viewpoint as wrong, doesn't make one's viewpoint right. Often times it simply means one's own viewpoint is more right. However to he right, is to understand things perfectly. The problem is; we are not perfect. A thought: Perhaps a human can only know right within human created frameworks. Frameworks which are often outdated. In this sense, it is only through insisting that we are wrong that we can that we can become more right and begin to reimagine more accurate frameworks to exist and be right in.
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